VQ PODS Watermelon Ice 4 Pods



    • Buy VQ PODS Watermelon Ice 4 Pods

      What’s the big buzz regarding the watermelon ice? The VQ Pods Watermelon Ice have unleashed a popular, new concoction, which is comprised of mountain fresh icy flavors, combined exclusively with watermelon extracted flavors in order to provide the senses with a never-before experienced fruity delight. This flavor alone possesses the power to renew the palate and its perception of the surrounding world. Comprised of salt nic and other natural flavors. Transition for good and finally embrace the tastiness that is inherent in each of these VQ products.

      Package contents:

      VQ PODS Watermelon Ice 4 Pods – JUUL Compatible Pods

      Each VQ PODS contains 1mL of eJuice with 5% salt nic by weight.

      Price Per Pod: $2.99


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